Dear NASSH Members,
At the 2016 NASSH Business Meeting, the following motion was passed:
That NASSH form an ad hoc committee to draft language indicating NASSH condemns the name of the teams with racialized mascots such as the DC football team. That committee should also create a mechanism for subsequent membership discussion and debate prior to a membership vote on the language and method of dissemination.
The ad hoc committee is chaired by Vicky Paraschak and includes Christine O’Bonsawin, Gabe Logan, and Jennifer Guiliano. The committee has provided a context document for your consideration and a draft motion to be discussed and voted upon at the 2017 NASSH Business Meeting in California. Please provide comments below, support or dissenting or offer feedback on this motion. The committee will consider these responses and may to choose to alter the motion prior to our meeting in May. Special thanks to the members of the ad hoc committee for their work.
Kevin B. Wamsley
Academic Vice-President & Provost
St Francis Xavier University
The Fascination and Frustration with Native American Mascots (Updated)
The Fascination and Frustration with Native American Mascots
NASSH Resolution Opposing the Use of Racialized Indigenous Imagery in Sports