President’s Forum: Racialized Mascots
Dear NASSH Members, At the 2016 NASSH Business Meeting, the following motion was passed: That NASSH form an ad hoc committee to draft language indicating NASSH condemns the name of the teams with racialized mascots such as the DC football team. That committee should also create a mechanism for subsequent membership discussion and debate prior…
Taking Charge of the Future of Sport History – Concluding Remarks
By Kevin Wamsley Dear NASSH Colleagues, I hope that you have enjoyed the President’s Forum: Taking Charge of the Future of Sport History at Academic Institutions. We are greatly appreciative to our colleagues who have contributed to the forum, offering perspective on the field, why it matters to us, why it matters to our colleagues across…
Strengthening the Intellectual, Material and Social Conditions for Sport History
By Bruce Kidd Most NASSH members are based in universities, and these are crazy-making times for universities, especially the publics. While the demand for and affirmation of higher education, university-based research and the leadership and resources that universities traditionally provide in the economy, sports and the arts are greater than ever before, the financial support…
Negotiating the Fault Lines of Sport History
By Douglas Booth Previous contributors to the President’s Forum have captured the key issues confronting sport history as an academic subdiscipline. More significantly, they have proposed concrete strategies to nurture the field. In these regards there is little that I can add to this Forum, other than a reminder. Higher education is politically dynamic. Hence,…